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the grottoes were constructed on a large scale for more than 400 years in succession in the Eastern Wei, Northern Qi, Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties and Song DynastiesThe length of the Grottoes is 1 kilometer in the north and south There are now 2345 grottoes, more than 100,000。

莫高窟英文简介100字我去莫高窟英文简介100字了云南莫高窟英文简介100字的石林滇池和金殿”莫高窟英文简介100字的英文,还有石林滇池和金殿的简介I went to yunnan#39s shilin, dianchi lake and jindian石林石林风景区坐落在云南省东部,昆明市东南部,石林彝族自治县境内,景区由大小石林乃古石林大叠水长湖月湖芝云洞奇风洞7个风景片区组成滇池滇池亦称昆明湖昆明池。

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三莫高窟Mogao Grottoes,俗称千佛洞,坐落在河西走廊西端的敦煌它始建于十六国的前秦时期,历经十六国北朝隋唐五代西夏元等历代的兴建,形成巨大的规模,有洞窟735个,壁画45万平方米泥质彩塑2415尊,是世界上现存规模最大内容最丰富的佛教艺术地四龙门石窟The Longmen。

Buddhas Cave, is situated west the Gansu Corridor endDunhuang, is world famous by the finemural and the castltsbeqinning constructs at 16 countries#39 former Qin times, hasbeenthrough repeatedly 16 countries, the Northern Dynasty, Sui, Tang, fivegenerationsTangut , the Yuan and so o。

敦煌莫高窟英文介绍 Mogao Caves are located southeast the Chinese Gansu Province Dunhuang east 25 kilometer place Mt Mingsha on the foothill cliff, first near dawdle Quan River, face east, north and south length 1680 meters, height 50 metersCavern distribution height scattered about。

采纳率100% 帮助的人31万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1需要中国名胜古迹中文和英文 The Great Wall 长城 Mount Taishan 泰山 Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties,Mogao Caves 敦煌莫高窟 The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emporer 秦始皇陵兵马俑坑 Peking man Site at Zhoukou。

二长城The Great Wall,又称万里长城,是中国古代的军事防御工程,是一道高大坚固而连绵不断的长垣,用以限隔敌骑的行动长城不是一道单纯孤立的城墙,而是以城墙为主体,同大量的城障亭标相结合的防御体系三莫高窟Mogao Grottoes,俗称千佛洞,坐落在河西走廊西端的敦煌它始。

grottoes 翻译例句 1 中国丝绸古道上的敦煌莫高窟内的壁画是世界最长的石窟画廊 窟内有壁画45,000余平方米The painted murals in the Dunhuang Grottoes along the ancient Silk Road in China form the world#39s longest painted corridor, with a total of 45,000 square metres of painted。

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