1、嘉峪关位于河西走廊西部最窄的地方英语介绍嘉峪关,嘉峪关经常有“美好的山谷”的意思嘉峪关长城英文介绍It was also a must point of the ancient Silk Road它也是古丝绸之路必过之处The pass is trapezoidshaped with a perimeter of 733 met。
2、Jiayuguan, is the starting point for the western end of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall, the scale of construction along the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty most spectacular, the most well preserved a degree of。
4、Changlong joy Changlong Group,the world is a worldclass tourism in the Kingdom of a new Pearl,located in China#39s firstclass tourist attractions 5A Changlong tourism resort center,is a pleasure ride,stunt。
5、1The Great Wall What impresses me most in Beijing is the Great Wall which is one of the greatest projects in the world Its not only the cultural heritage, but also a symbol of China Its glorious。
7、长城英文介绍 长城英文介绍范文1The Great Wall is located in the northern part of China, it Shanhaiguan in Bohai Bay, Hebei Province, east, west to Jiayuguan in Gansu Province inland areas TransHebei, Beijing, Inner。
8、世界奇观英语作文如下Hello,I want to introduce a world wonder,the Great Wall你好,我想介绍一个世界奇迹,长城In the north of China, there lies a 6,700kilometerlong ancient wall在中国北方,有一座6700。
9、1but also shows the Chinese nations long history2长城位于中国的北部,它东起河北省渤海湾的山海关,西至内陆地区甘肃省的嘉峪关横贯河北北京内蒙古山西陕西宁夏甘肃等七个省市自治区,全长约6700公介绍长城的英语作文。
10、我给你写的~~~As we all know, the Great Wall is a great building, I am proud of the Great WallFirst, the Great Wall two thousand years of history It is located in northern China East from Shanhai。
12、英文版兰州介绍英文版兰州正文介绍如下Lanzhou, Gansu Province甘肃省兰州市Lanzhou, capital of Gansu Province, is a major stop on the ancient quotSilk Roadquot west of Xi#39an Situated on the upper reaches of the。
13、陕西旅游景点介绍 英文版 中文对照西安, 陕西省的首都,在少数个中国城市肥沃韦古老墙壁能仍然被看见的西安建于超过3,000年并且有印象深刻的收藏的考古学依靠帮助解释它攸久的历史以前叫作Chang#39an “ternal和平”,市西安担当了资。
14、在中国北部,是一种有6700公里长的 4161英里长的古老的墙现在,众所周知的是中国的长城,它始于嘉峪关甘肃省在西部地区和终点山海关河北省在东部地区作为一个世界八大奇迹之一,长城已成为中国的象征,中国民族及其。
15、li long?B长城东起河北省的山海关,西到甘肃省的嘉峪关,全长五六千里,有的地方城墙有好几道,加起来有一万二千多里,所以叫“万里长城”The Great Wall starts。